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As the Internet has connected us, the world seems smaller than ever. It has become easier than ever to plan vacations and book stays at what would once be thought of far and exotic corners of the world.

In other words, the Internet has made it easier than ever to make the dreams we’ve always had into a reality. Being able to travel wherever you want, finding hidden gems and booking stays at unique venues is just one part of the ease of online booking.

Apps like Vrbo are revolutionizing the way that travelers book unique travel experiences and homeowners and property managers connect with prospective travelers.

There are definitely perks when you book through platforms like Vrbo. But much also depends on the type of property. A more unique and rare experience like those offered by Gocce Di Capri for stays in Sorrento, Italy, are difficult to capture through a Vrbo listing.

1) Pro: Harness the Vrbo Traveler Network

Booking a Vrbo Sorrento Italy trip allows travelers to access the platform’s powerful travelers’ network. Each of the properties listed on Vrbo come with a comprehensive range of information, including information from and about previous travelers who have stayed at a particular location. 

Through reviews and user profiles, prospective travelers can make a much more informed decision about whether or not a listing might be to their taste, what details to know about or watch out for, and what other amenities and experiences nearby are. 

2) Con: Bookings Go Fast

Because of its picturesque location and incomparable natural beauty, Vrbo vacation rentals in Sorrento get booked up fast. This could be a problem if you’re not too flexible with dates.  

That’s why it’s so important to book your vacation in Sorrento Italy on Vrbo ahead of time. If a listing is available, there’s really nothing that Vrbo can do, since it’s only a listing and booking platform. Vrbo has no stake in the properties themselves.

3) Pro: You’re Spoiled For Choice

By the same hand, users are likely to find a great Vrbo Sorrento Italy booking because of the sheer number of choices available online. 

And one property may have multiple residences or rooms. Gocce Di Capri, for example, lists accommodations that vary from studio apartments and villas to more traditional, hotel-style rooms. 

Even if a particular room style is booked out, travelers will still be able to access the residence itself and choose another style of booking.

Travelers can also search comparable properties in Sorrento, Italy through the powerful search function. If they’re traveling with a large number of family members and they know they’ll need a villa, Vrbo’s search parameters can help narrow down all suitable choices. 

vrbo sorrento italy


4) Con: Travelers Can Miss Out On The Story Behind A Property

The listing platform format is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it collects and lists all possible accommodations, including traditional and boutique hotels, rental units, vacation rentalsvillasaparthotels and more. 

Though there are pictures featured on each listing, the essence and identity of the property is often missing. What’s great about the Vrbo platform — up-front, transparent, and consistent information about all bookings, displayed for users in an easy-to-access manner — is the same thing that takes away from the story of the property. 

When you book online at Gocce Di Capri, for example, you can get a sense of the property’s USP right away. Situated on a mountaintop, the private residences feature stunning views, an impeccable restaurant, and unique experiences for individuals who privacy, comfort, and hospitality. 

But some of the story behind what makes this property so special is lost when using Vrbo. Unless users do their own, independent search, they’re likely to miss out on the story too. 

5) Pro: Benefit From Vrbo Discount Specials

Either as an incentive to get started or as a reward for referring a friend who books a stay, Vrbo will offer users discounts and specials from time to time. 

Many of these “specials” can be a percentage discount off a booking or an added bonus, such as the potential to upgrade. Using Vrbo opens travelers up to more frequent discounts run by the site, that a property may not offer if bookings are not done through Vrbo.

6) Con: It Might Be Cheaper To Book Directly

That being said, it might work out to be cheaper if travelers were to book accommodations with the hotel or residence directly. 

Platforms like Vrbo charge a booking fee for getting eyeballs on an accommodation listing. The price a traveler looks at may actually be higher than what the hotel is willing to let it go for. Why? Because these fees may inflate the cost of the booking if the owner or property manager decides to pass on these fees to the guest. 

In such cases, it may be smart to do research into the property, finding its website online. Travelers can compare the unit price on a villa for the duration of the stay with the same booking on Vrbo. 


Does Vrbo have its advantages? Absolutely! It can streamline the planning and reservation part of a trip, smoothing out everything from payments to discounts. But its convenience and ease come with a  couple of trade-offs. 

There’s one more thing to keep in mind: If pre-planning tours, local experiences, and excursion is important,  then Vrbo might not be the right platform. Vrbo vacation rentals in Sorrento focus on reserving stays but not associated tours or events. 

In this case, travelers can gain the best of both worlds by using Vrbo to search and find a property and then head directly to the property’s site to book those local experiences and tours.

Gocce Di Capri, for example, offers travelers the chance to take an Amalfi Coast boat tour so once accommodations are booked, users can head directly to the site to then book local experiences.

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